Funny Pregnancy Wishes, Messages and Texts Generator

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Funny Pregnancy Wishes, Messages and Texts

There are many benefits to writing funny pregnancy messages. Humor can be a great way to ease the anxieties of impending parenthood, boost the mood of those starting to show, and help reduce stress levels overall. Additionally, a sense of humor can help alleviate any potential depression or anxiety that new parents might experience. Finally, a good sense of humor can carry over into the delivery process, making it that much easier to relax and enjoy the experience.

Below are various funny pregnancy wishes, messages, and texts;

Funny Pregnancy Wishes, Messages and Texts

1.    Can you believe we're going to be parents?

2.    There's a saying that goes, ' pregnant women are the luckiest people in the world .' And we couldn't agree more!

3.    If you can't stand pregnancy, give birth to a child!

4.    It's not just the morning sickness, it's the boredom!

5.    Warning: Pregnancy can be hazardous to your mental and physical health. Don't drink and drive--or get pregnant.

6.    Hey, so I was walking by my pregnant girlfriend's house and she had this really funny pregnancy message on her porch. She said, 'If you're reading this, congrats! I'm definitely pregnant!'

7.    The funniest thing about pregnancy is all the absurd things you hear people say! Some of them make total sense and other ones seem completely bizarre, but they all make for good laughs. 

8.    I never thought I'd say this, but I'm so glad that you're carrying my baby. You're the best thing that's ever happened to us.

9.    Congratulations on your pregnancy! You are going to be an amazing mom!

10.    I just wanted to thank you for giving me this amazing gift. Being pregnant is the best thing ever and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store.

Funny Pregnancy Wishes, Messages and Texts

11.    When pregnant, make sure to enjoy the journey, because you'll never forget the laughs you shared along the way. Pregnancy is a time when you can be silly, flip flops and all, and your pregnancy partner will get a kick out of it. Share happy memories and make them even more special by keeping the pregnancy comedy coming.

12.    With every hilarious twinge, your pregnancy gets weirder and weirder. But don't worry, we'll always have your back. Here's to weird, wacky, and wonderful moments as you head into this new stage of your life.

13.    My hubby and I are so excited to be adding another member to our family! However, we know that our new little one will bring a lot of laughter with him or her. 

14.    If you're feeling funny and pregnant, take this as a cue to change your pants!

15.    Hey there, partner! We've got this pregnancy thing down pat, but we're always up for a good laugh. So here's to hoping that this little one is just as funny as you are. We love you, and can't wait to share all of our funny pregnancy stories with you. Xoxo

16.    Hey there pregnant warrior! You're doing an amazing job, and you're going to deliver a hilarious baby! Just know that you're a hilarious parent, too. Keep up the good work!

17.    There are times when you feel like rolling your eyes so hard your eyeballs pop out your head - that's how hilarious pregnancy can be. Other times, you'll feel like you're floating on a cloud of joy - and that's how amazing it is to be expecting.

18.    Hey babe! I'm so glad you're pregnant! We're going to have the best time making lots of babies!

19.    Hey mom and dad, I'm sure you are just as curious as I am about what's going on inside of me. Maybe check my charts one day to see if you can spot any growth...or if I'm still having contractions. 

20.    Hey there, pregnant mama-to-be! Remember to eat your vegetables! They'll help you carry your babyweight in style!

Funny Pregnancy Wishes, Messages and Texts

21.    Let's Just Pretend This Is A Happy Place And Name The Baby Conner. Or Tex. But I Already Think Of A Kid Named T-Rex And I'm Afraid We'll Already Be At A Name disadvantage

22.    When your belly starts to get bigger, you'll be glad to hear that pregnancy is laugh-out-loud funny! From the cravings for weird foods to the constant mood swings, pregnancy is definitely one of the funniest phases of your life! Keep your sense of humor strong and your belly laughing all the way to the delivery room!

23.    Hey there, prospective parent! Just wanted to let you know that having a little one on the way is hilariously hilarious and definitely worth all the hype! :-)

24.    You're pregnant and you're absolutely hilarious! Wishing you loads of laughter and happiness both during your pregnancy and after the little bundle of joy arrives!

25.    I know that it is hard to keep a sense of humor during early pregnancy, but try to do your best! Everything will be okay, and soon you will be holding your little one in your arms!

26.    Hey there sweetie! Loving the single-mom nesting instinct :) Get ready for the cutest bundle of joy!

27.    One of the great joys of being pregnant is watching your body change and grow. But don't forget to keep your sense of humor intact. Here's a funny pregnancy message to keep you smiling: 'In case you're wondering, yes - I did get a little bigger down there.'

28.    Don't worry, being pregnant isn't all that hard. Just relax and enjoy your fluffy bun in the oven.

29.    Hey babe. Just wanted to let you know that I'm feeling really funny all of the time. But I'm glad that you're feeling the same way!

30.    I know this isn't the best time of year, but at least the winter giveth and the summer taketh away. Pregnancy is weird in that way.

31.    Hey expecting mom! Just remember, it's not always about the belly - it's about the bond you form with your child. No matter what they look like on the outside, inside they are just as special.

32.    So you're expecting! Congrats! And beware: there are plenty of funny pregnancy jokes that will make you think twice about your expanding stomach. And don't forget to tell your mates about your little one's hilarious arrival story. Beware, these will make you laugh until you cry...

33.    Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're done having fun!

34.    Work as hard as you can, but don't forget to take it easy on the pot pies!

35.    I'm feeling a little funny and a lot pregnant!

36.    Best wishes as you enter into this new journey of life! Know that you are not alone in your struggles, and that there is help available. Laugh often, drink plenty of water, and embrace your craziness!

37.    Alright pregnant ladies, listen up! Remember, don't take yourself too seriously, and have FUN!

38.    I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be enjoying this or not, but I am. Pregnancy definitely has its perks! I'm gainin' weight like nobody's business and my libido is through the roof! I swear, I can't get enough of youuuuuuuuu!!

39.    Hi! Just wanted to let you know that your pregnancy has us hilariously laughing our asses off! It's so great to see you through this journey!

40.    Dear partner, I'm sorry that I'm so big and obnoxiously pregnant. But thank goodness you're here with me! I am so excited to be pregnant and to experience all of this life growing inside me! Thank you for helping me to experience this new chapter in my life. I love you and can't wait to see all the amazing things we'll create together. XOXO

41.    Heyyyyy...this will be the first time we'll be apart for an extended period and I'm kind of nervous. I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself and that you're eating well. Hug yourself a lot and text me pics of your food later!

42.    Just remember, no matter how much your belly starts to grow, I'll always love you.

43.    I'm just joking around, but if you think my stomach is getting big, just wait until you see what's coming out of my vagina!

44.    Hey love! Just wanted to say congrats on your upcoming arrival! I know that these next few months are going to be a roller coaster of emotions, but we'll be there for you every step of the way. And if you need a good laugh, just remember how pregnant I felt all those years ago and all the cheesy ideas that popped into my head. ;)

45.    You have the power to make this pregnancy the absolute best it can possibly be! So don't be afraid to laugh, let loose, and enjoy every minute.

46.    Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that your laugh is becoming one of my favorite sounds. I love being around you and feeling your happiness. You're such a bright light in my life and I'm so excited for the future we're going to have. :-)

47.    I know I'm not supposed to eat or drink anything, but I can't help myself. You smell amazing and I just want to eat you.

48.    Hey there, newly expecting mom! Just wanted to remind you that during your pregnancy, you'll be laugh out loud funny! And trust us, your friends and family will think so too!

49.    Hey there, curious pregnant person! Wondering what all the hype is about? Here's a little fun fact: during the third trimester, your belly button will get a little bigger. Oddly enough, it's not always the prettiest thing to see. But we promise that once you have your little one, you'll love everything about it. And your baby... well, they'll be the cutest thing ever!

50.    Congratulations on your baby! You are going to have the most amazing experience with this little one. Please be careful and don't get too caught up in the moment. You are going to make a beautiful mom and baby!

51.    Hey babe, thanks for being by my side through this crazy process! I'm so excited to see what unfolds next - I know we're going to have some good laughs along the way (and hopefully a few babes).

52.    I'm coming into this pregnancy with a very open mind, and I'm looking forward to every new adventure this brings! Even though I'm pregnant, I still feel like the wild child that comes alive when I'm climbing mountains or jumping off cliffs. I hope our baby will inherit that same wild side!

53.    No one knows what they're getting themselves into when they become pregnant. From the constant aches and pains to the raucous mood swings, pregnancy is definitely not a walk in the park! But, with a bit of laughter and some love, it can be a really fun and amazing experience. 

54.    Dear Diary, I'm pregnant and I feel mighty funny. I don't know how to be pregnant, but I guess I'll just have to wait until the baby comes. I also feel funny about getting fat, but it's all worth it. I'm so excited to be a mom and to meet my little one. I hope he or she is as hilarious as I am.

55.    Just because my belly is round doesn't mean I'm done growing! I'm still learning about my body and its capabilities. I'm excited to see what the new year brings and all the new adventures that can be had with my growing bundle of joy!

56.    Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that you're really going to stink once the baby comes! Yuck!

57.    I'm so sorry that my pregnancy has been so rough. But I promise that I'll make the best of it and will love every minute of my pregnancy. Thanks for being a part of this journey.

58.    Dear friends and family, Welcome to our beautiful and exciting pregnancy! We are so happy to be adding another member to our little family. We can't wait to see all the amazing things that this little one will do. We hope that you all will continue to support us as we go through this amazing journey.

59.    Hey there! We hope you’re feeling good and that this pregnancy is going as planned! 🙂 We are so excited for the arrival of our little one and can’t wait to watch him or her grow up! 🙂

60.    No matter what people say, pregnancy is hilarious. When we're pregnant, our hormones make us do some pretty crazy things. But that just means we'll have the best laugh when we're holding our new little one.

61.    We are so excited to be parents and can't wait to see the incredible things our little one will do. We hope you have a blessed pregnancy and we can't wait to meet our baby!

62.    It's not easy being pregnant, but it's totally worth it! Just remember to kick back, relax, and have a good time! You're going to have a blast raising this little one!

63.    Hey, congrats on your new addition! I'm glad you're having a blast! :-)

64.    People said that pregnancy was going to be the most wonderful experience of my life, but I never thought it would be this funny.

65.    Don't worry, you'll still be able to wear your funny pregnancy shirts. Just avoid those jeans that have a 'retch' in the fabric - they'll be too tight to wear comfortably now!

66.    Welcome to the wonderful world of pregnancy! It's so amazing to watch our little one grow inside of us. We're so grateful for this amazing journey and can't wait to see all the funny and interesting moments during this time.

67.    Hey, pregnant brain. You're so adorable and so funny. Here's to a wild ride and lots of laughs.

68.    Pregnancy is possible even without a husband. Just ask Betty. She's married to a bowl.

69.    You're going to be a hilarious pregnant hippo! Know that you and your child are loved and admired. Enjoy every moment.

70.    Do not worry about the size of your baby's head. With each contraction, it will get bigger.

71.    Hi, my name is ______ and I'm pregnant. I wanted to let you know so you could celebrate with me when you find out. I don't know how big the baby is yet, but I can't wait to find out. I'm so excited!

72.    My 'big' belly is a sign of my pregnancy and of the love that I have for you! I am so lucky to be carrying our child and can't wait to see our little one's face.

73.    Hey there, my pregnant friend! Congratulations on your upcoming arrival! The process of becoming a parent is one of the most amazing things imaginable, and I can't wait to see the adorable faces of your new little ones. Keep your eyes open for any funny pregnancy messages that I might send your way. They never fail to make me laugh!

74.    To all the pregnant ladies out there, know that pregnancy is one of the funniest things ever! There are so many hilarious pregnancy stories that will make you and your partner laugh every single day! Keep being you and don't let pregnancy change your sense of humor. You're going to love every minute of it!

75.    Welcome to the wonderful world of pregnancy! You are experiencing an amazing time as your body changes and grows. Watch as your tummy swells, your hair grows, and your emotions shift. Be sure to enjoy all of the new textures, smells, and sounds your body is creating. Be patient, and stay positive. Together, we can make this experience a happy one!

76.    Just because you're expecting doesn't mean you have to give up your sense of humor. Remember to enjoy your pregnancy, despite all the discomforts it may bring, and don't forget to share some of your favorite funny pregnancy messages with your friends and family.

77.    Hey there beautiful! Pregnancy is definitely an amazing time, and you're going to have so much fun while you're growing this little one! 

78.    Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I'm pretty much having the time of my life during my pregnancy. Yeah, my tummy has been getting a lot bigger, but everything else feels pretty great. I guess I just wanted to say congrats to all of you and remind you that pregnancy is supposed to be fun! ;-)

79.    Hey there pregnant lady! If you're finding it hard to keep a straight face, we understand. But ugh, these ultrasounds are just so funny. And the fact that you can't even stand to look at any of them is totally our favorite part.

80.    You've hit the big 3-0! Congrats and all the best as you enter this exciting stage of your pregnancy! Remember to breathe, eat right, stretch, and never forget to have fun!

81.    Being pregnant is funny, especially because everything is so predictable!

82.    Hey! So it looks like we’re about to become parents! This is gonna be a wild ride and we just can’t wait to see what’s in store. Except for the really weird stuff where you fart and I get really mad. But other than that, we’re pumped! Here’s to a wild pregnancy and a wild child!

83.    'I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see the baby's face when it comes out!' - pregnant woman

84.    Dear Friends and Family, I wanted to let you know that I am having a really funny pregnancy. I keep forgetting to use the restroom and peeing my pants. But other than that, it's going great!

85.    Okay, so you're pregnant and you don't know what to do with all that extra energy! Well, here are a few tips to help you get through your pregnancy with a laugh! 1. Make outrageous pregnancy claims and see who believes you! 2. Text all of your friends hilarious pregnant emojis and see if they respond. 3. Watch hilarious pregnancy videos on YouTube and share them with your friends. 4. Take silly pregnancy photos and post them online with the hashtag # pregnancyfun. 5. Finally, don't be afraid to be yourself! There's nothing funnier than pregnancy humor that comes from the heart.

86.    Hey sweetie! Just wanted to let you know that I'm really looking forward to seeing all of the hilarious pregnancy pictures. Pregnancy is truly the best time of your life!

87.    Welcome to the wonderful world of pregnancy! You're going to have so much fun with this new adventure! Expecting parents, thank you for sharing your amazing journey with us. Enjoy every kicking, squirming, and yawning moment!

88.    When pregnant, you might feel like you're the only person in the world who doesn't know about this weird, new body you're growing. But, believe me, there are plenty of other pregnant women out there who don't know everything about pregnancy, either. So, if you're ever feeling lonely, or if you just need a good laugh, try sending a funny pregnancy message to some of your pregnant friends.

89.    If you're feeling pain, it's because you're growing a human. Hang in there!

90.    Walking into the prenatal appointment with our growing belly, both my husband and I busted out laughing. We took a picture of us and captioned it 'The first time we laughed in hospital.'

91.    If you're looking for a funny pregnancy message, here you go! 'If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.'

92.    To all the pregnant ladies out there, don't worry- you're in for a hilarious ride! Enjoy your pregnancy and stay tuned for some hilarious pregnancy texts and messages soon!

93.    Hey there! Cherish every moment of your pregnancy, it's going to be one of the funniest times of your life!

94.    Just because your belly is bigger now, doesn't mean you're not still badass. You still have everything it takes to be a great mom – and because of that, your baby is in for a real treat.

95.    Hey beloved! Just wanted to let you know that I've got the fetal equivalent of a wedgie. Oopsies!

96.    When you are pregnant, the world is your oyster. And that means you can do pretty much whatever you want. And what better way to explore the world than by going on funny pregnancy tours?

97.    Hey there, Wanted to let you know that you're going to have the best laugh in history. I promise!

98.    One day, a pregnant woman was sitting on the bus, when she saw a man standing in the aisle. She smiled and said, 'Hey, I bet you're one of those crazy liberals who think pregnancy is a state of grace.' The man looked surprised, but then he replied, 'No, I actually think pregnancy is a state of awesome.'

99.    Blessed are the pregnant women who get to chuckle every day.

100.    Pregnancy is the most incredible thing ever. Absolutely nothing can compare!

101.    Welcome to the bumpy ride of pregnancy! We know it can be tough and sometimes we just need a good laugh. 

102.    My husband is in the hospital and I just found out I’m pregnant. FML

103.    Okay, so maybe this isn't exactly hilarious, but it sure made our day when we saw it! Here are some hilarious pregnancy messages and texts that we hope to make yours a little bit better, too. 1) 'I'm not eating that ice cream. You eat it.' 2) 'I'm not sure if you're pregnant or an alien, but you're making me really nervous.' 3) 'I don't care if you're ninety-nine percent pregnant, you're still not allowed to cook in the oven.' 4) 'You're lucky I'm cooking, because I'd hate to see what you could make on your own.' 5) 'I'm thinking about having a baby and I just don't know what to name it. HELP?' 6) 'I don't think we're ready for a baby just yet.' 7) 'If your baby is a boy, I'm going to name him after my favorite basketball player. If it's a girl, I'm going to name her after my favorite singer.' 8) 'So I was thinking, we could name our baby...Babe.' 9) 'Can you believe we're going to be parents? It feels like a dream.' 10) 'I'm so excited to have a baby! I just hope it doesn't arrive before Christmas.'

104.    My pregnancy is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I love every minute of it and can't wait to become a mommy!

105.    My wish for my pregnancy is that I am never sick again and that the baby is healthy! I also hope to have a healthy pregnancy schedule that doesn't include any tests or doctor's appointments! Thanks for being part of my journey!

106.    If wishes were horses then pregnant women would be in trouble. But if wishes were pregnant women, they would still be in trouble because their unborn babies would keep waking them up in the middle of the night with their strenuous kicking. So pregnant women would rather wish for something sensible like a healthy pregnancy, lots of laughs with friends and family, and a rebound baby when the first one is born. Some pregnancy wishes go like this: (1) Please make it easy on my bladder. (2) I don't want to pee on myself all the time. (3) Let me keep my hair. (4) Thank you for never asking me to do anything I don't want to do.

107.    One Saturday morning, my husband and I were lying in bed just staring at the ceiling when I suddenly said, 'I think I'm pregnant.' We just laughed and went on with our lives. A few months later, we were blessed with a healthy baby girl! And to this day, we still laugh about our Saturday morning pregnancy test!

Other Wishes/Messages

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